I had a good weekend. We went out on Friday night for a friend's birthday. Sat & Sun I mostly played with my wooly things. I washed 3 kitchen sink loads of grey shetland fleece. There wans't any name for this fleece. The only thing I know is that it is very...very soft and fine. I handled it very lightly so that it won't felt.
Onto spinning. I finished the second half of rainbow handpainted roving. It's about 8 oz. for both skeins. I forgot to count the yardage. Anyhow, I like how it turned out.

Next is Zeus vest. The fiber is from a shetland sheep named Zeus. I washed and carded this fleece myself. This is the first time I spin with a project in mind. I plan to knit this for my husband's vest. Since the winter in the pacific northwest is rather mild, I decided to go with DK weight. I wrote on the control card as a sweater before I realize that it will take forever to knit size 42 sweater with DK weight.

I was trying to fill up this 4 oz bobbin but I got impatient. So I stopped and started the second one. Here is Zeus vest first bobbin.

I want to finished the second bobbin tonight and ply it the next day. It's a little crazy at work this week. But I will squeeze spinning in as much as I can.
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